Monday, March 03, 2025



After a long pause - my excuse being I ran out of any creative energy to write even a blog a month when I was working on my PhD thesis, I hope I can continue my musing here from now on. 

Trump is back, as the Economist predicted. What no one saw coming was perhaps his cronies JD Vance and Elon Musk. Trump - the leader of the free world, put on the best reality TV, yet. As in we shouldn't be surprised if over the next 4 years there are more soap TV using the Oval Office or Rose Garden as the backdrop.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" - would we look back in 2028 and felt the same? - I haven't even read this classic - may be one day I will or I can?

Thursday, November 30, 2023

End of an era for morning radio - bye Neil Mitchell

May be things indeed have been a bit hectic the last few months. I've tried my best to write on this blog at least once a month but haven't had the energy to lately.

Today is a remarkable day in the Melbourne radio scene, Neil Mitchell signed off after more than 30 years from Morning radio on 3AW. Like him or hate him, one thing is quite certain - I don't think another radio presenter of this era will last as long as him from this point on.

The world remains a very uncertain place, war in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan and elsewhere. Donald Trump in 2024.. let's, just pray for peace.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

A rather sad end to May 2023

Highlights of stuff I heard over the radio today...

1. A man who murdered his wife at home got 20+ years for what he did..
2. Biden reached an agreement with the Republicans on the US debt ceiling..
3. Trump might be president for a second time... so predicted The Economist

These headlines reflects the world we live in. Its a rather dark and dangerous place. It is our job to make it better!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Mortgage stress


I'm not suprised by the situation described in this article, but it doesn't make it any easy to read. What a candid description of what is happening at the moment. " I don't understand why households with a mortgage are forced to do the heavy lifting in reducing inflation for everyone."

I don't understand either.

Some says the RBA has no choice, or no instructment, to reduce inflation apart from the "blunt" tool of raising interest rate. Well, may be we need to have a look at the system, or the tools that are actually available. May be the RBA should be given access to those tools that are currently beyond its reach. Just like in any crisis, for it to be war, COVID lockdowns, it is the orindary people, the citizen Joe, that suffers. 

You really can't blame him for taking out a mortgage of 750K in 2019, it was just around the median house price in Melbourne at the time. He has a decent income, well above the median income according to the ATO. So, what has gone wrong??

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Avalon Airshow

Avalon Airshow with the kids. Pictured on the ground is a transporter from the Malaysian Air Force. The US Globemaster was here too. Perfect day with perfect company and perfect ride on the V Line from Southern Cross to Lara the shuttle bus. The first time I really appreciated the public transport system in Melbourne. Might come back in 2025... just.. might.

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Welcome 2023


What a start to 2023 - in Sydney for my sister-in-law's wedding, then almost a week in Gold Coast, did 3 theme parks in 3 days. By the end of Janurary I think we were quite glad to be 'home'.

The world, or at least in Australia, has seemingly moved into the "post COVID" era. No big new headlines in January.. yet very little has changed. The war in Ukarine continues to consume the minds of civilians there. The geopolitics of an increasingly assertive and authoritarian China. What will the next 11 months be like?

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Christmas 2022

 We are at the beginning of December, counting down the days of 2022. What a year!! War in Ukraine still going, Donald Trump wants to run for president again, Xi sets to get a third term. There is hope, and we must remember that, in this season of Joy, which brings the greatest hope of all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The crown jewels in the Tower of London


For whatever reason, things are always a bit more complicated when you get older. I remember seeing the "crown jewels" in my first ever visit to London as a 13 year old. Really had no idea about the history of it all. Now reading this piece, it reminds me again that most things do have a back story to it, and it is often not pretty.

What a time to live.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Around The Bay 2022


We did it! Four of us, 20km, rain a bit in the beginning, the kids boxed on. Great effort, so much fun and we all get a medal! I have never done anything similar before.. I'm living the dream thanks to my family!

May be another year or two of 20km and we can all give 50km a go!

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Flying again..


First overseas trip in the COVID era.. I wouldn't say "post-COVID era" as we are still very much living in it. It's nice to have life somewhat back to normal. SSA Christchuch is what we need, to reconnect with others, after two truely quite horrid years.