Today is "the last day" of my run with the Stroke Team at MMH. Finished with 5 night shift, with 1 week of leave next week.
It has been a great 6 months, learn heaps, did heaps, had a great team and enjoyed every single bit. Again, like at the end of my run in OPH last year, I'm once again humbled by the courage of those who came in with an acute stroke - it's like a puncture tyre, so sudden and one's life get turned upside down. For a puncture tyre can be fixed in minutes, one's life cannot. It is in those moments, one's faith sees one through.
Look forward to the next 6 months in MMH, it's gonna be great.

ended up having a very relaxing weekend. flower show, st pauls, east coast of auckland, catching up with mates, quality time with dani - very content.
It was also a weekend full of weddings, should have gone to Andrew's one. Yet, who knew I was gonna have such a bliss weekend?!
The "Young Investigators Award" belongs to this team of dedicated people at the Acute Stroke Unit.
The 3 nights stay in the Marine Reserved apartments in whangamata was a bliss. Highly recommended. We didn't book the place, it just happens the first posh motel we went was full.
Life is a box of chocolate.
Little did I know that the recently opened Dorothy's Sister has such a long history - the reincarnation of the famous landmark Auckland gay bar Surrender Dorothy. The story of its owner, Peter Taylor, is quite a legend with a colorful life too; having fought leishmaniasis, and I presume, continue to fight HIV.
Watched "Atonement" recently too, and again, little did I know that the term itself is a doctrine found in both Christianity and Judaism.
You learn a little everyday