Once in a while you come across a camera that really surprises you. The all-weather Olympus range is up for some serious competition here. Watch this space. I can't wait to see the review on this!
It's not until I tried to search some UK websites using google UK I get to see this cute logo. Happy lunar New Year!!
The Americans have shown the world that in the face of adversary they opted for hope but not fear. This will be a year full of brave encounters and pleasant surprises.
You can't find Kermadec in Metro's Auckland Top 50 resturant guide. A bit odd really. This place has consistently produced some of the finest food the viaduct has seen since 1994.
Service was prompt and friendly - except when I asked for the check - how can the waiter put the bill on the table, when I was away in the bathroom?!.... That really was a bit beyond me.
Anyway, I think I just had one of those irritable days. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed" - as one of my colleagues put it.