It is whilst I'm tidying up my room, going thru things I've kept over the years, for it to be a letter, card from colleague or friends, to stuff I've bought or made, that I have this eureka moment - the recipe for doing something great and wonderful often is:
1 cup of passion +
2 cup of inner drive (whether influenced by others or not) +
2 tsp of luck

Reading the news, online or offline, has always been a "personal time" activity for me. It's a time I get to just read what's happening outside the sphere of life that's around me.
So I learnt that..
The Chinese Premier got the shoe treatment now made famous thanks to the former US president.
The Kiwi, now worth about half a US dollar, from a high of 80 cents to the dollar a few months ago.
Dean of a medical school in HK reckons young doctor are too narrow in their knowledge base, let 20-30% of the medical school curriculum be on humanities..in the name of hoping young doctors will be more "human"....
The oldest university in Portugal is not quite as old as Cambridge.. Cambridge is 800 years old?!
Anyway..God knows (yes, God only knows because I can't remember now) how out of all the links to various collages on the Cambridge website I bumped into the The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion and started reading their interview with France Collins MD.
One of the best read I have had for a long time.