Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're running out of IP addresses

IPv6 is fast approaching! For as far as I can remember, IP addresses are all xxx.xx.xxx.x. You don't normally need to know anything about it, except when you need to setup a home network... connect a router .. all those "behind the scene" stuff.

If you use a home network of any sort, I guess it's important to run this test and see whether you are (and your internet service provider (ISP)) is IPv6 compatible. No good if you're ISP is ready, but your home network is not!

if you get the same screen as I did (7/10, which I got), I guess you're ok, "No problems are anticipated for you"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Unlimited potential

Haven't had the urge to buy a book for a while but Amy Chua's one might be a good read. Forget "Chinese" or "Western" parenting. Every kid, and everyone has unlimited potential - that what is boils down to. When a kid is young, how is he or she suppose to know this? This is the challenge for every parent.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

A fountain pen moment

I got my first fountain pen when I was 11, and have used it on and off since. Except for slight loosening of the pen cap, it is still in perfect order. The same cannot be said about a Pilot retractable fountain pen I bought a few years ago. When I unearthed it from storage box, to my surprise, the ink was slow to flow from the nib when you first start writing.

A quick internet search revealed fountain pens, in general, probably benefit from a water soak every now and then to prevent ink clogging up its tiny channels. Little did I know - until yesterday! Now it writes like new.

There are times when we actively seek to acquire new knowledge - for work, for study, for interest. Yet, for your life to run smoothly, you need, apart from a willingness to seek knowledge on your part, people who will give their advice freely - without you having to ask for it. That's what family, trustworthy friends and good mentors are for. Often, heed their advice or do otherwise at your peril!

By writing down his personal experiences, Michael Hill is, a mentor for all ages. What is your 30 year plan?

Monday, January 03, 2011

"First meal" 2011

Well, here is our first attempt at cooking Chinese food this year (yesterday we had a pasta bake). Cold hand shredded chicken noodle with salami and prickles and sesame dressing)!

Sunday, January 02, 2011


"When I was growing up, my mother used to say our circumstances did not matter because you got out of life what you put into it, not what was given to you. It’s advice I’ve tried to live by in my family life and my political life, as well as in my previous career. But more than her advice, it was her attitude to adversity that I sincerely hope I’ve been able to pass on to my children." - John Key