Thursday, March 17, 2011

Your capacity to love

There are disasters everywhere: Chile, Queensland, Christchurch, Japan, Vanuatu. In these different times, it is the your capacity to love that will make a difference. In essence, the power of humanity is love - unconditional love that demands no return.

Much can be said also about how we treat each other, not just in the time of crisis, but in time of peace. 

Let's all increase our capacity to love. This is nothing novel really. The motto of my school is "To love and to serve".

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Times

To many, the RACP written exam is just another hurdle in one's physician career. And, in fact, it is simply that. To think or treat it otherwise is taking yourself too seriously, not a wise move.

Congratulations to all those who passed; one quiz down, another one to go. To those who didn't, give it another go if you are serious about it. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.