Sooner or later, if you haven't already realised, whether you like a movie, or anything, for that matter, really depends on your perspective.
Your point of view - as the latest round of HSBC ads put it succinctly.
Well, some have described this movie along the lines of "a meditation on life, art and romance, and on the kinds of responsibility we have. Such an uncommonly intelligent film does not often get made."
Some have also loathe the cheesiness when Gyllenhaal tells Ferrell she dropped out of Harvard Law because, "if I was going to make the world a better place, I'd do it with cookies."
Me? well, there's nothing wrong with a bit of punk in a flick like this. i just have a terrible feeling that if you ask me in a year's time what this movie was about, I probably wouldn't have a clue.
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