Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Amazing Grace

According to the movie's official website, there are currently 972 arrangements of "Amazing Grace". Amazing.

I must admit my ignorance in that I haven't even heard of William Wilberforce before coming across this movie.

Three other new discoveries..

A blog, podcast and even a youtube clip from st-mathew-in-the-city's vicar. I found this piece particularly refreshing, especially coming from a clergy.

There're 1940 used and new copies of the New York Time's best seller - "The purpose driven life" for sale on amazon. (thanks Anton for your brand new copy). With fame comes criticisms. David Gregory's "dinner with a perfect stranger" and "a day with a perfect stranger" are probably a bit more readable - the latter I started after boarding a plane in Sydney, and finished before I walked into Auckland's terminal.

The movie Transformers brings Sci-fi film to another level.

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