My dad once told me, "always keep your books, they might come in handy one day". His own collection of more then 4 big bookshelf worth of books is a testimony to what he believes.
It was year 1996, my first year in med school. "People Skills" by Bolton was one of the recommended text for the Behavioural Science paper. I can't remember how much I read, probably not a lot. The book still looks brand new to this date, apart from then white, now yellow, pages.
I thought the book was all about common sense, it pointed out the obvious flaws in most people's communication, but then, so what?
We're well into 2008 now. Parenting troubles, relationship troubles, family troubles prompted me to search my bookshelf for ideas.... People Skills!
The first 25 pages will capture the attention of anyone, anyone who thinks they can't get through to any other people.
I seriously don't think there will be anyone, who after reading the first 25 pages of the book, still think they don't need to look deep and reflect on their own way of expressing ideas.
A truly inspiring book. I can't wait to finish reading it.
One's point of view not only changes with time, but it can change dramatically with time. One only hope it is the "bad" habbits that change for good, but not vice versa.
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