I believe humans strive on being satisfied. The feeling of "a job well done". Once again, my 7 year old Ford Falcon's headlight died a few days ago. It is the second time it died. The last time it took me 1 hour to change the damn thing. I'm sure the guy down the road in the local garage can change it in no time, but probably will charge me 30 bucks labour and 20 for the bulb.
So, once again, I got the spanner from the neighbour, got a torch and ready to get my hands dirty. Bulb from Repco for 11 bucks - ticked. Thinking I could probably do in half the time this time round (30mins?), it took a whole 45 mins again (still an advance of 15...). It was so bloody hard. Pondered about not removing the battery (unfounded fear of getting electrocuted) for 10 mins and tried to squeeze my hands around it - didn't work. Took the battery off finally and discovered there was some liquid under it.... acid?! Anyway, boxed on and took me another 30 mins to take the bulb off the socket...
Once the old bulb was out, the rest was easy, took me less than 3 mins to insert the new one. Battery back, lights on, there you go, it's working.
Like anything, you really only get the nice feeling of being satisfied after the job is done. I must say in general I don't procrastinate, but let's get on with the jobs.
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