Thursday, November 12, 2015

Social engagement..

I went to this ECR (Early Career Research - not emergency clot retrieval....) symposium the other day, the focus was on "Selling yourself".

The two speakers, Philip Darbyshire and Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt were inspirational. Besides highlighting things that you, as someone in the 30s should already know.. like the influence of body languages on behavior.. etc, they also painstakingly pointed out that most people probably under-sell themselves most of the time.

It's not that all surprisingly, given those who were good at the art of selling probably ended up in marketing school.. business school.. or strike stardom well before they take up a research career in the sciences. Yet, it is this dichotomy that, really shouldn't be there.

You can't help accepting that those who were good at selling themselves, are often the ones who are the successful ones..

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