Wednesday, March 26, 2008

being humble

Very often I'm amazed by my fellow colleague. The "silent achievers". People who have done so much but just chose not to brag on their past. I'm continued to be humbled by their humility.

Michael J. Fox once said " I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business."

Well, God's business it is.
Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better, and on this note, box on.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

joss sticks

Somehow I just couldn't get to sleep this morning after my night shift. It wasn't a busy night, probably been surfing on the net too much!

joss sticks in temples can be seen throughout Asia. A land where Christianity is not the mainstream faith, or way of life, as some puts it.

The reason, probably at least have something to do with the practice of ancestor veneration - 'Chinese Rites controversy'.

The confusion remains since most people do not make the distinction between ancestor worship with ancestor veneration. The two are quite distinct entities. With a distinct difference in intent.

the doctrine of Trinity

the doctrine of Trinity is central to the Christian faith. The following links have helped me explore this further, with some success.

the dogma of the trinity - from the new advent

Trinity - from wikiChristian

Trinity - from Theopedia

The doctrine of the trinity - from new-testament-christian

One God in Three persons - excerpts from a book by a Lutheran theologian

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama's speeh on race

Apparently this is one of the best speech in American politics lately, according the Paul Holmes anyway. Will have a look later..

bad day

Man, today's been a bad day. Started with stuttering during my practice long case, can't even list one cause for secondary hypertension, followed by having no clue about the grades of diabetic retinopathy.

The rest of the day aren't any better. Missed a lumbar puncture, completely forgotten the anatomy of the femoral triangle - just got it the other way round.. ! Finished the day with can't figure out where the lesion is for a stroke patient. Pretty bad for a budding "stroke physician" really.

Now, after finishing work, drove to a near by gas station and finding all their pumps are not working..

Today, I needed a bit of TLC. Now of course, one always have a choice. I hope, and I'll continue to try, not to spread my unhappiness to other people.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

living in the moment

This is Shiseido's CEO on their Corporate Social Responsibilty website. Nothing to do with the BMJ article on "living in the moment" I was gonna put up here really. The two shares on theme - living this moment. One may consider Shiseido's "100%" consumer focus pledge as hypocrisy; after all, one could argue all corporates exist to make money.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The end of life as you know it

what a lovely phrase, it appears a few times in this drama/romance. Beautifully put together, it's a breath of fresh air from the latest rounds of flicks in the cinemas.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

rights, ego, stupidity

These are just a few words, concepts, that baffle me of late. My younger sister's forever quest to "fight" for her rights. The ego of my dad crashing with hers. Man, just a bit of love, then there'll be peace on earth.