Monday, October 28, 2013


Wikipedia defines Hope as ".. the state which promotes the desire of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or in the world at large " 

It is Dr Noel's hope that in the face of metastatic cancer, he'll get to see his yet-to-be-born daughter. 

The story is a moving one -the couple appear affable, yet the situation is dire and the outlook seemingly hopeless. 

Or is it? There is always a silver lining. The story struck an accord with those who have been there, all the young parents/parents to be. The outcome of the short fundraising has brought some, albeit brief, financial relief to the family.

My reflection of the story is that hope is essential to the human existence. It is with the hope that tomorrow will be a better day, that we have decided to have kids. It is with the hope that our future will be brighter, that we work today. 

Hope underpins almost all the decisions that we make. I'm hopeful that better days are yet to come for the Noels.

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