Tuesday, July 28, 2015

11 weeks

I can't help but to notice that while my darling wife's blog is full of Elisha's birth story and how she's surviving the postpartum period, my blog is rather anaemic on this aspect. 


For all that you can refer to her blog. For how a dad who works part-time cope with 2 under 2 at home, read on.

It's tough.

There you go, all summarised in one word. 

I don't know. As I said to my best friend, parenting a baby and a toddler is really a tough gig. Sure, I love them to bits, I want to spend my every single living moment with them. 

And that is, exhausting.

I know I better start to enjoy the journey, as it's a journey that will go on, and on, and on. 

Not having family around would be really hard, yet having them around pose some quite unique challenges as well.

Life is never perfect. Well, nothing is. 

Having said all that, I'm forever grateful for what I have. Just look at how cute Jonathan and Elisha are in the photo!

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