Sunday, March 07, 2021

2021 so far...

So far, so good. 2021 is, at least for now, not looking like 2020.

I'm acutely aware I have this impression probably because I'm living in Australia. In many countries around the world, COVID is still causing tens and thousands of death. We are in lucky country, an island nation, a continent, that shut oursevles from most visitors. It comes with a cost, no doubt.

My best found so far this year? Koorong bookshop. I love bookstores, ever since a kid. I meander around the aisles, reading gives me joy. Period.

In under 100 pages, David McDonald, an Austrailian pastor, emphatically described how his lung cancer diagnosis "sharpened" his focus on his life. 

Last year, I have decided to start reading books again, after being unable to finish reading any books since Jonathan was born. Too busy! Excuse I gave myself really. 

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